York Environment Week 2020 Guidelines for Entries

Thank you for your interest in organising an event for the first city-wide York Environment Week.  YEW2020 offers you the opportunity to:

  • celebrate and showcase the work of your group/organisation
  • work together to share and promote environmental messages
  • access shared publicity through the website, social media and printed publicity for YEW2020
  • get practical support for using online technology for your event(s)
  • use YEW branding, including poster templates for printing, alongside your own brand
  • use our YouTube channel and create legacy items for your group


These guidelines are provided to help organisers design and submit successful proposals for events. Please read them in full.

Please complete all sections of the form that apply to your event including start and end times, details of beneficiaries for any donations, and contact details for the organiser(s). Please have all relevant information to hand before starting to complete the submission form.

Please double check that all facts to be included on the YEW website are correct as we cannot proof read these. If we have any queries about the description of your event, we will contact you to check.

Submissions are welcomed for a range of events, and we have five themes. These are:

  • Energy
  • Food
  • Nature
  • Resources and waste
  • Transport and travel

Please include why your event will contribute to that topic – put this in the Description of the Event that will appear in the programme. There is a limit of 450 characters (about 70 words). We are especially keen that you consider how to attract marginalised and/or younger people who might not otherwise attend.

Events must be ‘not-for-profit’.

All events must be free of charge to participants. You may ask participants for a one-off donation to your organisation. We ask you to provide a reason why donations help your work.


All events that are part of YEW 2020 must be open to all. Everyone organising and participating must treat everyone at the event with respect.

The vision for YEW 2020

  • Virtual events (e.g. videos, films, slideshows, webinars, recorded presentations/talks/panel discussions) that are available to WATCH AGAIN – by uploading to our YEW YouTube channel.
  • Actual events e.g. Tree Planting – 28 November to 6 December 2020 is also National Tree Week 
  • SHOW and TELL events that inspire participants to learn new skills, and make use of good practice.
  • The active involvement of YOUNG PEOPLE throughout the YEW programme.
  • A programme which benefits physical and mental HEALTH.
  • Having a positive impact on participants’ MONEY and financial resources.
  • Highlighting LOCAL and GLOBAL environmental issues.

Applications can be submitted from Sunday 6 September 2020 – we expect to get back to you within a few days of receipt to confirm inclusion in the programme (if we have any queries we will discuss them with you).

The last date for applications is end of day SUNDAY 18TH OCTOBER 2020.

All organisers of events appearing in the YEW2020 programme are asked to include the following statement in their own publicity (Eventbrite, Facebook, Twitter etc):

“This event is part of York Environment Week 2020.  Find out more at yorkenvironmentweek.org.uk.”