YEWs 2024 programme launching soon

We’ve been thrilled to receive such a wide range of event submissions this year, from walks to workshops to arts events. We now have a programme of over 90 events spread over four weeks – our biggest festival yet! 

We’re currently working towards launching the programme at the beginning of September. Our volunteers are busy putting all the events up on our website and the programme is being printed. 

We can’t wait to share with you all the brilliant events in York Environment Weeks 2024!

Remember you can sign up to updates straight to your in-box, go to the bottom of our website homepage to find the sign-up boxes. 

Reminder-Deadline Approaching

We are delighted that a diverse range of events are being submitted for YEWs24!

If you have a choice of days for when your event takes place, then we recommend that you avoid these dates if you can: Sat 21st and 28th of Sept, the morning of Sunday 6th Oct and the afternoon of the Sat 12th October when there is either a flurry of smaller events or one large event already taking place.

We are really looking forward to those really last minute submissions!

All the best

YEWs24 organising team

Submit your events

Thanks to those who have already submitted their events. If you want your event to be in our printed programme we must receive it by midnight on Sunday 4th August.

To apply is super simple, check the guidelines, then fill in the form. We need the details of your organisation and the details of your event. The team will then check your event fits the guidelines and that we have all the information we need to get you listed.

Get in touch with the festival’s team of volunteers ( and let them know. It helps us to know what other events are likely so we can advise of potential clashes or perhaps some synergies!

Whilst we can not organise the event for you we may be able to offer guidance with any problems.

And don’t panic you have until 25th August to be included in our digital programme.

– The YEWs24 Organising Team