A nature-connectivity experience around the University of York's green campus which includes soundscaping, biodiversity citizen science and nature journaling.
Pop in to our free coffee morning to chat to two local GPs about how to find out if you are at risk of cardiovascular disease, and what lifestyle changes you can make to prevent it.
North York Church are hosting a series of events across York as part of York Environment Weeks. There are a wide range of activities over a number of sites—talks, upcycling workshops, nature trails, a Repair Café, a Reflection Space and Lego Church. So much to do and something for everyone! Come along to St Mary's ChurchContinue reading "Green for Now and for the Future: Eco Fair (St Mary’s Church, Haxby)"
To celebrate York Environment Weeks York Army Museum would like to share some wildflower seeds that you can sow at home to enhance the biodiversity of your garden.
If you want to futureproof your business, increase profits, access new markets and be more sustainable, come along to Green Business Forum: How to be a Standout Brand.
A relaxed, informal wander round Heworth's public green spaces with play areas. Refreshments, children's art exhibition and fairtrade stall over three different venues in Heworth
Join us at the ACT NOW! Drop-In Community Eco Fair! Discover green tips, eco-products, workshops, and family fun. No registration needed. Celebrate sustainability with us!
Short, inclusive walks of around an hour with around 1 mile of walking. These nature walks include spotting the nature around us and taking time to pause and connect.
Wellbeing in York Museum Gardens Discover the beauty of York Museum Gardens – come and ponder, share in creative art journaling or add to our landscape art.