Announcing York Environment Week 2021!

We are pleased to report that following its successful debut in 2020, York Environment Week will be back in 2021 from 18th to 26th September, so pencil it in your diaries now! The theme for this year will be “#YorkActsTogether – Tackling Climate Change”, and it will be taking place at the same time as the nationwide Great Big Green Week. This means that YEW will be one of many events running all over the country to raise climate awareness and demand action from our politicians as they prepare for COP 26 in Glasgow.

Last year’s event was almost entirely online due to COVID restrictions; we are hoping to have more in-person events this year, but only time will tell. At the very least, we will be aiming to have a greater variety of events beyond the standard PowerPoint presentation format (although there will be plenty of those too). More on that in the near future!

If you would like to put on an event during the Week, submissions are now OPEN! You have until Friday 16th July to fill in the form and tell us what your event is all about. You can find the form and guidelines for entries on this page. Remember, this year it’s all about York standing together to take action on climate change. Action can come in many forms: we can all make changes in our own lives to reduce our carbon impact, but we also need our political and business leaders to make changes, as they have the power to make massive emissions savings on a scale we can only dream of. And don’t forget that teaching and inspiring is also a form of action; the more people we bring along on the journey, the more emissions we save, and the louder our collective voice for holding those leaders to account.

We’re really looking forward to seeing what kind of events and projects you come up with. So be creative and get brainstorming! Also, if you would like to join the organising committee, we are currently looking for someone to help with fundraising and/or admin, so if that sounds like you then please get in touch.