Announcements and Extra Events

Kidical Mass Bike Ride (Sunday 6th October) looking for marshals

Marshalling is a fun and easy way to help out – no special skills required – just an ability to cycle! We need some faster cyclists to get ahead of the main group but also normal/slow cyclists to ride with the group. We’ll provide a briefing in advance and on the day (marshals needed from approx 9.30 am to 11.30 am, Hungate to Millennium Bridge). If you can help please email your name to with kidical mass marshal in the subject line.


Saturday 21st September, 3pm: Green Screen: X Trillion + Panel

A feature documentary following the gruelling journey of eXXpedition’s all-women crew led by Emily Penn as they sail 3,000 miles across the North Pacific Ocean through the densest accumulation of ocean plastic on the planet. Followed by a panel discussion.

City Screen Picturehouse


Friday 27th September, 9am-4pm: Restoring Nature Conference

Designed to help Town and Parish Councils fulfil their increasing obligations to support nature recovery, this conference is open to anyone with an interest in increasing local biodiversity.

Kirby Misperton Village Hall


Tuesday 1st October, 6.30-8.30pm: Re-imaging the future – a writing workshop for dreamers and writers

A free event run by Mikyla Limpkin, a local author and community educator, this workshop aims to generate and record visions and ideas for a better world. Open to  non-writers and writers of all ages and abilities. No booking required.

Friargate Quaker Meeting House, Friargate, York, YO1 9RL


Saturday 5th October, 10am-4pm, UK Fungi Day

The Yorkshire Arboretum is joining in with British Mycological Society celebrations for UK Fungi Day with a range of interactive learning and activities in the Tree Health Centre.

The Yorkshire Arboretum