Event Description
On Wednesday 27 September Friargate Quakers will be screening “The Ants and the Grasshopper”, a moving eco documentary filmed in Malawi and the USA. It follows farmer Anita Chitaya in her efforts to change minds in her patriarchal village and beyond.
The film is 75 minutes, and will be followed by refreshments and discussion. Donations will be collected in aid of the community organisation ‘Soil, Food and Healthy Communities’ in Malawi, which is mentioned in the film.
The venue is wheelchair accessible and a hearing loop is also available.
Organised by: York Quakers
Where: Friargate Friends Meeting House, Friargate, YO1 9RL
When: Wednesday 27 September, 18:00 – 19:30
Booking: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/screening-and-discussion-the-ants-and-the-grasshopper-tickets-695615624057 and /or phone 01904 624065