Looking for help this year.

York Environment Forum has been looking at whether it is possible to lead a York Environment Week for 2023. On Tuesday we decided there needs to be a Core Group of at least six people. And we need to recruit this team by the end of February.

Below is information about what the Core Group tackles to organise YEW. The Core Group members are not paid for their involvement but some members may be able take on the role as part of their paid jobs. Anyone motivated to join in can put themselves forward, no need to be a member of York Environment Forum. From start to finish it takes about seven months to run YEW.

One decision the Core Group will make is about dates. Being realistic YEW23 would be in the second half of the year, and not at the same time as the Great Big Green Week in June.

If you are interested please get in touch by 28th Feb. As we need to cover the range of tasks also include a list of what skills you can offer related to the outline below.

You can also contact the Chair of York Environment Forum if you are not quite sure and would like a discussion or have a particular question.

Outline of Core Group tasks.

  • Making contact with and getting commitment from event organisers to take part. Ongoing communication with event organisers.
  • Agreeing timing and programme eg theme, logo.
  • Printed publicity and distribution, press releases and mainstream media liaison.
  • Website- update homepage up, layout updates, entering event details, blogs.
  • Social media in advance and during week.
  • Background admin – organising and chairing meetings, minuting, housekeeping the YEW emails, dealing with incoming queries from all sources, monitoring and evaluation.
  • Overall project management: keeping track, ensuring systems are set up and are functioning,  following up any issues of finance, legal compliance etc that might arise.

We have had three York Environment Weeks so far, and it would be great to have number four, but this depends on having an effective team, Hoping you can help or can find someone who can.

Many thanks,

York Environment Forum.

Reply to: info@yorkenvironmentweek.org.uk

direct email to Chair: yorkenvironmentforum@gmail.com

The YEW website is: yorkenvironmentweek.org.uk