100 million hands – Scouts take local action on climate change

Event Description

Millions of Scouts made a Promise to the Planet as part of a global campaign to inspire young people to take action for the environment. #PromiseToThePlanet encourages young people to carry out hundreds of thousands of individual community service actions around the world.

This event will present different case studies of local action on Climate Change by Scouts in York and from across the world. Followed by a panel discussion and a Q&A section to involve the rest of the participants. The format will be completely virtual via zoom. The event is aimed at members of the scout and guide movement, other youth organisations or community organisations who want to learn about youth led local action on Climate Change from across the world.

Organised by: York Ebor Scouts
When: Thursday 23 September 2021, 7:00 – 8:30pm
Where: online
Booking:  eventbrite