Upcoming Talks and Workshops

York Environment Weeks is a great opportunity to find out more about environmental issues and learn new skills. This year’s festival includes a range of talks, workshops and panel discussions, on everything from climate justice to how to have better conversations about climate change. Read on to find out what’s coming up in the next couple of weeks.


Tuesday 24th September, 7-8.30m: Divestment – How to stop our pensions funding climate catastrophe

Join York TUC and York City Unison to hear from trade unionists and campaigners active in the movement to divest our pensions away from fossil fuel companies and those that finance them. 

At West Offices and online


Thursday 26th September, 7-7.45pm: Global Justice York – Towards a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

This talk gives an introduction to proposals for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty that will stop the expansion of coal, oil and gas production, bring about a fair phase-out of fossil fuel production and ensure a just transition away from fossil fuels.



Thursday 26th September, 7-9pm: No Climate Justice On Occupied Land

This panel meeting hosted by York Palestine Assembly will discuss the intersection between climate justice and the fight for justice for those on occupied land. It will consider the impact of colonisation, the militarisation of society and the weaponisation of natural resources like water.Friends Meeting House, Friargate


Tuesday 1st October, 7-8.30pm: Beyond Drax: A Real Green Future for Yorkshire and the Humber

Join the Stop Burning Trees Coalition to learn how we can secure a better future for workers and local communities by transitioning away from energy generated by burning trees at Drax.Spark York, Piccadilly


Friday 4th October, 7-9pm: Friends of the Earth invite you to meet four leading Councillors for a discussion on York’s environment

Friends of the Earth host an environmental panel and Q&A with four local Councillors: Jenny Kent, Michael Pavlovic, Kate Ravilious and Stephen Fenton. Register to submit your questions in advance.

Main Hall, York CVS, Priory Street


Sunday 6th October, 1-3pm: #talkingclimate: A toolkit for more effective conversations

Do you find it hard to talk to people in your life about climate change? Join YorkCliConnect for a two-hour workshop to build up a practical toolkit, based on Climate Outreach research, to practise talking about climate change with your friends, family and colleagues.

Micklegate Social


A request to all of you who participate in events– Please send us a few words of feedback. What was good? What did you learn or try out for the first time? What is different for you because of the event you attended? … and of course what might be done better, or more effectively, another time. It can get lonely here as the Volunteer Organising Team and its always useful to hear how this festival is going from the participants point of view.

Events beyond YEWs24, that we think might be of interest:

Friday 27th September, 9am-4pm: Restoring Nature Conference

Designed to help Town and Parish Councils fulfil their increasing obligations to support nature recovery, this conference is open to anyone with an interest in increasing local biodiversity.

Kirby Misperton Village Hall


Tuesday 1st October, 6.30-8.30pm: Re-imaging the future – a writing workshop for dreamers and writers

A free event run by Mikyla Limpkin, a local author and community educator, this workshop aims to generate and record visions and ideas for a better world. Open to  non-writers and writers of all ages and abilities.

Friargate Quaker Meeting House, Friargate, York, YO1 9RL


Saturday 5th October, 10am-4pm: UK Fungi Day

The Yorkshire Arboretum is joining in with British Mycological Society celebrations for UK Fungi Day with a range of interactive learning and activities in the Tree Health Centre.

The Yorkshire Arboretum


Saturday 5th October, 2-5pm: Comedy vs Climate Change Workshops

Partnering with the Ryevitalise Landscape Partnership scheme, Comedy vs Climate Change is offering climate comedy workshops for participants aged 18-30.

Theatre@41, Monkgate